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Thursday, April 28

Q is for q-tip

silk cami: Forever21 ($12) lace cami: WetSeal ($.01- oh yeah!)  cardi: thrifted ($8) Jeans: Billabong Outlet ($25) 
Purse: Kohls (Gift) Earrings: New York and Co. ($12)


the Q-tip...best invention.ever.
ladies- i know you use them for everything.
they save us from eyeliner disasters, nail polish disasters and
those icky mascara boogies - you know what im talking about
BUT. you know that huge box thing they come in?  well i had an idea the other day and decided to go get a baby food jar...p.s. also discovered that banana baby food taste good with cereal...i figured it'd be somewhat close to a yogurt/cereal dealio. it was. yummy in tummy good. Anyways after i got rid of the baby food. i strapped a ribbon around the jar and stuck my q-tips in it...they fit perfectly!

so now theres a cute little jar on my bathroom counter with my little fix-anything-on-your-face q-tips.



Its Awkward Awesome Thursday:


the questions at the back of my book were ripped out already...and they were totally due today

sitting next to a person in class who randomly makes comments to you on the lecture

passing strangers in the same building three times

falling asleep in class...on the front row


what? its not snowing today? finally

ok this was yesterday but it should totally count: Alyssa bought me chocolate covered cinnamon bears. Um heaven in my mouth

eating unlimited sushi...for 18 bucks. AWEsome

attempting to wake up with Alyssa at 5am to go running...and failing...again haha 
and this is awesome because i get more Zzzzzzz's.

Friday, April 22

P is for purse


purses...it's a love hate relationship thing purses and I have. 


  1. sneaking in anything from a snickers bar to a liter of soda into the movies...let see a boy stick one of those suckers in his bum pocket!
  2. having candy/food in your purse period. k i have the munchies right now- hence the food obsession. 
  3. being able to have an extra brush on hand- this is a MEGA bonus because I drive a scooter to school...yeah ladies sexy wind blown hair...complete lie. I'd like to call it poofball of hair with occasional surprises of bugs. yum.
  4. CHAPSTICK. My purse and it are .married. happily of course. And mr. chapstick and I are besties


  1. Pulling a Marry Poppins with everyone and their dog staring. Yes, cashier hold on a couple of years while I look for my credit card that fell out of my wallet.
  2. Not being able to find your keys, so you end up looking all over your apartment...you can't find it. In a final attempt you dump your purse upside down for the second time...o look my keys. how does that happen?!
  3. not ever being able to just reach in my bum pocket for my wallet. im convinced boys have got everything easier.
  4. No I'm not a gimp...my purse just weighs more than me k?

Sunday, April 17

O is for over

shoes: sparrys  purse: NY&CO. cardi: hollister pants: NY&CO
cami: Wetseal-for a penny!!) earrings: NY&CO.

school is over! kinda...i still have one more final. and also
schools out for only 4 days.  BUT i can still celebrate :]
Summer School- why do you exist?

.but. i feel ok about it because I have had such a crazy yet wonderful past week. It is so funny how that can happen. Seriously I had the most INSANE week, but even through all the messes that i magically survived through-i just had a happy week. if through finals i can be a happy camper-then bring it summer school!

happiness may or may not have come from being an exclusive member of The Lunchbox Kids. best.idea.ever. So a couple of coworkers and I started a lunch club. Plain and simple: we switch off days making lunch for each other

yeah, jealous much? whats that? ur tummy growlin? 

it really did make my week though. Its like Christmas getting that brown paper bag. i just cant wait to see whats in it! best surprise yet in it you ask? 

Capri Sun...why can't they have those in vending machines?!

anyways this week my professor asked all of us to find someone more stressed out than ourselves during finals. Rob and I were talking and he told me he was going to have a .nuts. day the next day - so heck why not? And lunches...really make everyone's day a little brighter- if not you are nutso. very. nutso. 

yes the sandwich may have been smooshed...but i feel the dunkaroos and capri sun made up for it. o and the hostess pie. 

funny story about those pies: I was minding my own business at Smiths because after making my lunches for the day 

i'm thinkin- Celeste...guys eat A LOT more than girls. So I went to go look for more treats to make my lunches man worthy. 


a huge pile of hostess pies for a buck.each. I grabbed a pile of them and walked over to the celery (ants on a log? a must in lunches!) funny thing is- i didn't have a cart. or basket

So here I am juggling FOUR hostess pies in my fingertips. 

and.enter.boys......who know me. don't mind me i'm just lugging around a pile of pies in my hand. all for me? no not at all. would they believe it? no not at all. hahaha but hey i'm in the fresh produce section- gotta give me some props for that. 

what does boy say? "Well Celeste you are just my type of girl"

umm. you are .hilarious. of course i ended up explaining myself but i can just imagine him seeing me across the way with a pile of pies in my hands. thats hott. 

song stuck in my head: so.good.
The girl by City and Colour

Sunday, April 10

N is for necklace



My favorite word...and thing. A necklace really can make or break an outfit for me. Alyssa hates them but I try and wear them with every outfit. If theres a matching necklace, then I'm wearing it. Today I want to tell you about my two brand spanking new necklaces that have joined the hoard on the wall. 

Wanna know the best part?

Those were 6.50 each...ya you heard me. The one on the right is my favorite, it is the prettiest color pink and the picture just doesn't do it justice. 

Where you ask?

 Cherry Lane. fancy sounding isn't it?

You know those boutiques that you walk into and you'd swear boutiqueing was an art and all you could do was just...stare at it all?  Well no you don't know- unless you've been to Cherry Lane. 

You know that feeling you get during Christmas time when looking at the most beautifully decorated house in all of town? It felt like magic just to look at it. Thats this place

I'll have to go in and take pictures sometime...you'll die....or if you're lucky enough to be in Provo then take a peek yourself. They have sales every Saturday- thats where I snagged these babies.

Cherry Lane is also the place that I got this headband for 7 Mr. Washingtons.

Anyways it's across from the Provo Library...Alyssa and I bought a ton of stuff last weekend- they had a blowout sale. I'll take pictures soon so ya'll can see all the goodies we got. I'm so excited about it all!

Cherry Lane -  check.it.out. 

P.S. There is a new do-it-yourself up and it looks really neat! I can't wait to do it!

P.P.S. I've got some Pandora Love for you...discovered a new favorite: The Brass Bed Band