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Wednesday, June 22

M is for Moving

i'm becoming a professional at it. In the past four years I've moved...one two three four five six seven eight times.
ridic right?
but i've met so many friendly faces doing it. 
and NOW

my new place is FAN-tastic
decked out apt. huge TV. sound system. stinkin adorable and awesome roomies (yes Alyssa is included in that). sand vball court. swimming pool. hot tub. exercise room. big green grassy field
and did I mention sand vball court?! 

i played yesterday already.
and there happens to be a VERY talented band set up just across the way...I listened to them jam as I was unpacking

coolest place ever? i think yes. 
but let me tell you...moving in a dress? not so smart and not so lady like as you'd think it'd be. you ladies prob already knew that...but hey i couldn't find any pants
they were already packed ok? 
after a few unloading runs, I finally realize i had left a pair deep in my trunk the other week. 
so yes, having a messy car has it perks

...like when you need yourself a pair of pants because the moving boxes are hiking up your dress and making you flash your new neighbors

after that i just sported capris under my dress - all my shirts were packed too.
o yes, im sooo fancy
if i could I would have thrown on a pair of tights instead...p.s. im currently drooling over this dress:

and now you are too :]


  1. Oh that dress is adorable! Did you just move to a different apt. in the same city or a whole new city/state??

  2. That is a lot of times to move! But your new place sounds great though!

  3. moving can be so bittersweet (and super stressful) but it's so fun and exciting when you love the new place!

  4. 8 times!!! wooooow haha that's A LOR! but im glad you found a prefect spot right nos:)

    love the outfit picture! that skirt is fantastic!

    Farah from FashionFabrice

  5. Nice blog. Maybe we can follow each other?http://www.fashionmechic.com/
