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Tuesday, May 10

U is for Undies er...swimsuits

j crew


everyone stay calm. We're not going to talk about undies, I did however post some pics of some super stinkin fabulous swimsuits since summer is almost here! 

I love the vintage one piece that is in this summer! I have one already! And I'm SO excited...haha i just have to find it first. 

anyways...i've just have been WAITING for this letter to come up to show you this awesome rug

seriously. i.will.get.one.when i have a house.

when i saw it up on my pinterest, seriously...i DIED. then of course when i showed alyssa...we had giggle fest like no other. seriously- we'd whoop the "pants off" of all ya'lls LOLs. 
ok I'll stop being five now.

so today was a fantastic day! why you ask? 

because Alyssa, friends, and I ate our weight in sushi today. Gals- im serious, i never knew sushi could be this cheap AND fantastic. If you're in Provo- up by the mall, next to golden corral, is the Sakura Japanese Steak house. I probably shouldn't have told ya'll that - unless you have very good self control - you will get addicted. its a proven fact.
also if you get there between 11-2 p.m. unlimited sushi for 13.99....and dinner unlimited is 18.99.  yeah you heard me unlimited! Alyssa and I one time ate over 80 dollars worth of sushi...by ourselves. i don't know if we should be proud of that of not...haha but i'll pretend everyone is thinking in their heads "Awesome." instead of "Sick nasty." 

BUT its ok because Alyssa and I worked it all off, and we took a week to prepare for today. That way we don't gain more weight, we just gain back weight haha. worth it? Well Provo-ers ...you tell me. And non-Provo-ers...seriously take my word for it...it was so worth it. 

P.S. Alyssa modeled for me! 
You ladies will see it for thursday's post!

another pinterest love...im impatient for B ok? most.hilarious.bandaids.ever.period.dot.

Urban Outfitters What happened? band-aids $7.
hey so Urban thats a U. consider it.counted.


  1. hahahah LOVE that rug. Love this post. Never had sushi, I'm not a huge fish. fan but your description actually made it sound appealing!

    Lovely Little Rants

  2. Unlimited sushi is a dream come true! I'm ogling those vintage style swimsuits this summer too! xoxo

  3. Oh my!! So cute! This is my style of swimwear, and always has been. :) I'm loving your blog! Thank you for stopping by mine! I'm your newest follower! Now you're only a few more away to your giveaway!!!

  4. candace- funny story, i absolutely hated fish up until a couple of years ago. then my friend made me eat sushi-ive been in love ever since :] i think its just because sushi is so dainty and pretty lookin and you feel like your not eatin fish...

    bonbon- first off, love ur username haha.awesome. second off, im glad your obsessed with sushi to. best obsession ever.

    gentri- thank you so much! you're a sweetie :] and this style has always been my thing too, it just makes ya look good in all the right places!

  5. haha i LOVE that rug... i want it.

  6. I want those band-aids real bad!! can it be my birthday?!?!
