ME Shirt: Old Navy (little boy's section! woot!) Cami: New York and CO
Jeans: Agaci
ALYSSA top: ? cardi: Old Navy - they're on sale right now! Jeans: Rockstar
gracious. You heard me, goodness gracious. Why? Because I haven't had internet for the past who knows how long! AND I've actually been getting ready for the day this week! So this weekend was FABulous! Started off with boarding all day long with Alyssa. Why so fantastic? O no reason, there was just a MOUNTAIN full of powder! Which means Celeste's tooshie didn't hurt the bazillion times I fell on it. Saturday I watched BYU kick some SDSU basketball toosh...also fabulous.
Then your favorite part ladies, I went shoppin!! And discovered a my little self was minding my own business at Old Navy and a stinkin cute plaid shirt caught my eye. Then I realized where I was...the Little Boys section. Before I knew it I was in the dressing room. And you know what?! It fit and it looks stinkin cute! Wanna know another secret? Boys clothes are cheaper...I got it for 10 buckaroos! I know, I know...Celeste, thats a bit questionable. My answer? O goody, more shirts for me! Once I get my internet working, I'll post the pictures of it! It is SO cute, I went to a party tonight in it...and got a ton of compliments on it. When I told'em where it was from they couldn't believe it! So challenge of the week ladies, go check out the little boys section and try something on!! Totally worth it...pinky promise! :] See you soon!
UPDATE:ok so this pic is from the party -yes I just tied that bowtie! impressive I know- anywho, so I'll post a pro pic when I get my computer working! Ya'll will survive til then :] loves!
And when you say tie do you mean clip on? lol